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To integrate CodSpeed with your Rust codebase, the simplest way is to use our cargo tool: cargo-codspeed. This tool will allow you to check your CodSpeed benchmarks without modifying the behavior of the usual cargo bench command.


Creating benchmarks with cargo-codspeed is the same as with the bencher and criterion APIs. So if you already have benchmarks written with one of those, only a small import change is required ๐Ÿš€

Runner installationโ€‹

To check your benchmarks with CodSpeed, you first need to install the cargo-codspeed CLI tool:

cargo install cargo-codspeed

This tool can then be used directly within cargo:


From Criterion.rsโ€‹

Let's start with the example from the documentation, creating a benchmark suite for the Fibonacci function.

First, you need to install

cargo add --dev criterion

Then, you can create your benchmark suite:

use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};

fn fibonacci(n: u64) -> u64 {
match n {
0 => 1,
1 => 1,
n => fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2),

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
c.bench_function("fib 20", |b| b.iter(|| fibonacci(black_box(20))));

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);

The last step in creating the Criterion benchmark is to add the new benchmark target in your Cargo.toml:

name = "my_benchmark"
harness = false

Plugging CodSpeedโ€‹

Enabling CodSpeed on this benchmark can be done fairly quickly. You first need to install the compatibility layer:

cargo add --dev codspeed-criterion-compat

Then, to allow CodSpeed to interact with this suite as well, you simply need to replace the imports from the criterion crate to the codspeed-criterion-compat crate:

- use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};
+ use codspeed_criterion_compat::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};

Using this compatibility import won't change the behavior of your benchmark suite and will still run it as usual.

And that's it! You can now run your benchmark suite with CodSpeed:

Congrats ! ๐ŸŽ‰ You can now run those benchmark in your CI to get the actual performance measurements.

Cargo Workspaces

If you're using CodSpeed within a workspace you can use the -p flag to specify the crate to run the build command on:

cargo codspeed build -p my_package
Build only specific benchmarks

By default, build will build and run all the benchmarks in your project.

Sometimes you may want to build and run only a subset of your benchmarks. With the following folder structure:


To build only bench1, you can pass its name as an argument to the build and commands:

cargo codspeed build bench1
Feature flags

If you're using feature flags in your benchmark suite, you can use the --features flag to specify the features to enable:

cargo codspeed build --features my_feature
Run the built benchmarks

By default, cargo codspeed run will run all the built benchmarks (of the latest cargo codspeed build ... command you ran).

To run only a subset of the built benchmarks, you can do the following:

cargo codspeed run -p my_package # Run all the benchmarks of the `my_package` crate
cargo codspeed run bench1 # Run only the `bench1` benchmark

From Bencherโ€‹

Let's start with the example from the Bencher documentation, creating a benchmark suite for 2 simple functions.

First, you need to install Bencher:

cargo add --dev bencher

Then, you can create your benchmark suite:

use bencher::{benchmark_group, benchmark_main, Bencher};

fn a(bench: &mut Bencher) {
bench.iter(|| {
(0..1000).fold(0, |x, y| x + y)

fn b(bench: &mut Bencher) {
const N: usize = 1024;
bench.iter(|| {
vec![0u8; N]

bench.bytes = N as u64;

benchmark_group!(benches, a, b);

The last step in creating the Bencher benchmark is to add the new benchmark target in your Cargo.toml:

name = "example"
harness = false

Plugging CodSpeedโ€‹

Enabling CodSpeed on this benchmark can be done fairly quickly. You first need to install the Bencher compatibility layer:

cargo add --dev codspeed-bencher-compat

Then, to allow CodSpeed to interact with this suite as well, you simply need to replace the imports from the bencher crate to the codspeed-bencher-compat crate:

- use bencher::{benchmark_group, benchmark_main, Bencher};
+ use codspeed_bencher_compat::{benchmark_group, benchmark_main, Bencher};

Using this compatibility import won't change the behavior of your benchmark suite and Bencher will still run it as usual.

And that's it! You can now run your benchmark suite with CodSpeed:

Congrats! ๐ŸŽ‰ You can now run those benchmark in your CI to get the actual performance measurements ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Cargo Workspaces

If you're using CodSpeed within a workspace you can use the -p flag to specify the crate to run the build command on:

cargo codspeed build -p my_package
Build only specific benchmarks

By default, build will build and run all the benchmarks in your project.

Sometimes you may want to build and run only a subset of your benchmarks. With the following folder structure:


To build only bench1, you can pass its name as an argument to the build and commands:

cargo codspeed build bench1
Feature flags

If you're using feature flags in your benchmark suite, you can use the --features flag to specify the features to enable:

cargo codspeed build --features my_feature
Run the built benchmarks

By default, cargo codspeed run will run all the built benchmarks (of the latest cargo codspeed build ... command you ran).

To run only a subset of the built benchmarks, you can do the following:

cargo codspeed run -p my_package # Run all the benchmarks of the `my_package` crate
cargo codspeed run bench1 # Run only the `bench1` benchmark

Running the benchmarks in your CIโ€‹

To generate performance reports, you need to run the benchmarks in your CI. This allows CodSpeed to detect the CI environment and properly configure the instrumented environment.


If you want more details on how to configure the CodSpeed action, you can check out the Continuous Reporting section.

Here is an example of a GitHub Actions workflow that runs the benchmarks and reports the results to CodSpeed on every push to the main branch and every pull request:

name: codspeed-benchmarks

- "main" # or "master"
# `workflow_dispatch` allows CodSpeed to trigger backtest
# performance analysis in order to generate initial data.

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3

- name: Setup rust toolchain, cache and cargo-codspeed binary
uses: moonrepo/setup-rust@v0
channel: stable
cache-target: release
bins: cargo-codspeed

- name: Build the benchmark target(s)
run: cargo codspeed build

- name: Run the benchmarks
uses: CodSpeedHQ/action@v3
run: cargo codspeed run
token: ${{ secrets.CODSPEED_TOKEN }}